Keep Your Toddler Happy During Your Photoshoot

Oh mama, I get it. You’re ready to book (or you already have!) your families photo session and the dread just creeps in…

…. my child is just crazy!

…. she is so outgoing until the camera comes out!

…. uuugghhh why does the session have to be so late? He’s going to be a cranky mess! (the answer of why is coming soon!)

Okay lets pause on that. My point was, I get it. I am a mama of three little ones and I know the struggle. is. real. But guess what? There is something you and the hubs can do that fixes the toddler tantrums literally 90% of the time. Are you ready? Deep breath, here we go…

Just let it go.

Yep. That’s the magic. I tell all my families to just come to the session with a super happy and positive attitude (both mom and dad have to participate for this to work!)

Be there, be present, ALWAYS be smiling and playful, and I promise you will get some stunning photographs. I hate to break it to you, but in all my 10 years as a family photographer, it’s the parents (usually the dad!) that set a bad tone for the session.

Trust me, I got this!

Having a cranky or shy toddler is just another day on the job, I promise! I am a professional who knows how to create incredible, heirloom worthy images with children no matter how cranky. So try not to stress and remember that if you’ve hired me, your sweet little crazy pants is in good hands. (But.. make sure hubs is on the same page!)

If you haven’t already hired me and have no idea who I am, heeeeeyyyyyy! I’m Elly. I’m your FL, GA, SC, NC, TN (I like to travel haha) family photographer with over 10 years of experience. I would love love to chat with you about your family, maternity or newborn session and help you create amazing photographs that you will love for a lifetime. Reach out today!

Elly M.

Until next time!

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Kindred path

I know picking the perfect family photographer in Greenville SC can be a tough choice! I want you to have an amazing experience and the photographs you deserve, mama. Being able to document your family, and create heirloom photographs for you would truly be an honor. Please fill out the form below so I can get to know you a bit more. I can't wait to hear from you!

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